Jesus transformed His disciples by giving them opportunity after opportunity to do what He taught them. God led us into our specialties the same way: He pushed us to do it, over and over. We often had to go without formal mentoring, and patch together the best feedback we could find from friends, advisors, and detractors too.
We are here to give you what we often didn’t get: mentored practice. We’ll turn you loose to do the work early and often. You’ll learn by doing, and in the debrief, you’ll get a chance to evaluate what worked, what didn’t, and what you want to try next time. You’ll learn to notice when the circumstances reveal a deficiency in your character or your skills, and seek help to correct it. And then you’ll try again. And again. And again.
You can’t skip the part where you learn by doing. No one can. But with us, you get started early, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Joe Anderson
City Ministry
If we begin by tangibly loving our literal neighbors, the Kingdom will come in our neighborhoods, one home at a time. If we seek to bless our city officials, thenĀ the kingdom will come in our city. It all begins with love, taking a stance of blessing toward our people.

Tim Nichols
Healing & Teaching
Being the literal hands of Jesus to hurting people, I’ve come to experience God’s goodness and care for them (and me!) as never before. That understanding of God has transformed my teaching. The flesh can teach, but when we teach in concert with the Spirit, it’s a whole different world.

Seleste Sault
Worship Arts
Worship is not about performance, or inviting God to be with us. It is responding to His invitation to come into His presence. If you are not willing to go into God’s presence yourself, you can’t take anybody with you…but if you are, then you’ll see miracles happen.

Dave Cheadle
Poverty Ministry
On the edges of society, loving the poor as Jesus did, the Kingdom comes 5 seconds at a time, if you have eyes to see. You think you’re there to minister to them, but more often than not, the Kingdom comes in your heart in ways you never expected.